Whether you are starting to learn how to cook or want to improve your cooking skills one of the first things your need to learn how to do right is how to hold a Knife. To many this might not sound important but there is a right way to hold a knife and it should be the only way you hold the knife. So, I’m going to show you exactly how I show my students.
Step One
When you are holding almost any knife or more accurately a chef knife the first thing you want to do is pinch the blade. But not anywhere, you want to pinch the blade in the top part of the blade next to the bolster.

Step Two
The next step after pinching your blade would be to wrap your hand around the handle while continuing to pinch the blade. Keep in mind this position will feel funny and uncomfortable but trust me this is the only and correct way to hold a knife.

Other Things To Know
When you are going to cut you positioning is just as important as how you hold your knife to help prevent injury.
1. Starting with the most obvious your positioning; when you are working with knifes make sure BOTH of your feet on the ground. We don’t want any trips or falls or bloody accidents
2. Next, when you want to look at how you move your arms, if you have ever seen the movie Ratatouille you will know Colette is right! Keep your hands and arms close to your body, your arms should look like an “L” that makes it easier to move your arms like a train wheel.

Now when you are slicing and dicing away your arms should always be close to your body and move in a train like fashion. This will give you that rocking motion from your blade starting from the tip of your blade, going down the edge and eventually the heel.
3. Remember to keep your wrists stiff to help prevent overusing your wrist and causing future injury. Also watch your shoulders, you want to make sure they are relaxed, you do not have to shrug to cut things or have a chicken arm.

The final thing you always want to do when you are working with knifes is master your claw; this will help ensure you do not slice any of your fingers off. This is equally as important to do because not only will it protect you but help you stabilize what you are slicing and guide your knife. There are two common claws one that I call a Rainbow/Bridge and your classic claw

Final Words
If you are new to cooking, I highly recommend you learn how to use your knife correctly not only will it show who ever cares that you know your shit it will keep you safe. But if you want to be a dumb f*ck go be basic and cut your fingers off.